This two years course is a comprehensive skill program that aims at Teachers Training in fine arts for school education. It not only helps sharpen fine art teaching methods, but also widens their teaching skills by equipping the learner with latest technological developments in media & art. This course, looks ahead to bridge the widening gap created by a shortfall of qualified and techno skilled Fine Art teachers.
Approved by
2 Year
Plus Two & Above
Aspirants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, dispositions and chracteristics that are, inherent to the career of a highly qualified teacher. They gain technical proficiency in the field of Multimedia and will also develop aesthetic finesse, conceptual sophistication related to digital media, and thorough comprehension of the potential of art and technology. A fine arts and animation students can work as: Drawing Teacher, Sketch Artist, Video artist, Caricature Artist, Clay Artist, Comic Book Designer, Painter, Sculptor, Special Effect Artist, Digital Ink and Paint Artist, 2D Animator, Web Page Designer.